A feature on John Doremus
John Doremus had a rare talent for being able to tell a story … he could hold a listener’s interest, and had a warm, easy and mellifluous voice. His fascination with radio began at a very young age. He mowed the lawn for an older lady and in return she gave him...
The Black Cloud
Produced in the late 1950s, this science fiction serial is about an intruder from outer space which travels in a black cloud and threatens life on planet Earth in the year 2021. Scientists try to communicate with the cloud and the intruder is surprised to find...
CEDAR Cambridge cleans up the mean streets of Australia
To help people pass the time while isolating themselves to control the COVID-19 outbreak, Grace Gibson Productions in Australia is, for three months, offering radio stations free broadcast rights to their collection of classic half-hour radio serials. All of the...
The Passing Parade Vol 25&26
Another 50 tracks on each of these volumes – which now takes us up to one thousand episodes of The Passing Parade in our retail releases.
Shadow of Fate Vol 3
A series of suspense dramas about ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances and destined by fate to perform extraordinary actions.
Dick Tracy Vol 2
He’s also a detective with a very famous name who has appeared in various incarnations…this one is the Grace Gibson Production with Harp McGuire in the starring role. Adapted from US scripts, this Australian production also features Pat Shay (as Tess Truehart), Ray...
Hunt The Man Down Vol 7
Private Investigator Dick Mallory is a man of the world who lives for full-blooded excitement and the intense thrill of the chase. He wages a relentless war against those who live in the shadows of life.
Starlight Theatre Vol 4
A good radio play is a dramatised story which brings pleasure and enjoyment to listeners – and Starlight Theatre most definitely fills these requirements. Produced from scripts written by leading overseas writers, particular attention was given to adapting these...
Life With Dexter Vol 6
Willie Fennell created this iconic Australian radio sit-com in 1953 and it ran until 1964. Dexter Dutton is lovable, laughable and ludicrous at times. He stars as the traditional suburban bloke with his wife (Jessie), two kids (Ashley and Janie) and a mortgage. This...
Get In Early For Fathers Day
Fathers Day appears to approaching more quickly than it used to… Get in early-ish with these suggestions: All-Time Favourites: Cattleman (which is on special this month) Cactus: In this insane world, Australia’s greatest radio satire puts things into perspective...
Internet & Phone Drop Outs
For the last few weeks we’ve been plagued with internet drop outs (thanks NBN!) which also impacts our phone system, making it appear that our phones are either engaged or disconnected! Hence we apologise to anyone who’s been trying to call us and thinks we just...
Random Winners For Mothers Day
Each day from 1st to 10th May 2019 (inclusive) we’ll be randomly selecting one order to receive a $50.00 Gift Voucher. The Gift Voucher is valid 31st December, 2019. If you receive a gift voucher in your order you will need to contact us to use it as our website...
Spies & Espionage
Spies and Espionage on Radio A very popular genre – whether it be modern, cold-war or even historical – a good ‘cloak and dagger’ story always works well. A genre that works extremely well with the medium of radio – all those word pictures, voice inflections and...
Portrait of Jennifer
The heart-warming and moving story of a girl who is suddenly transported from a monotonous existence to the glamorous and heady atmosphere of high fashion. There is joy and tears, excitement and heartache, as three men try to prove to Jennifer that love is a...
Robyn Moore
For fans of Robyn Moore here are some things you may not know about Robyn! Robyn was born in Hobart Tasmania in 1950, however as her Dad was a Stockman, Shearer and Shearers’ Chef, she grew up on isolated Sheep and Cattle Stations. She LOVED listening to the serials...
Dick Tracy
Dick Tracy is a tough, intelligent detective with a less-than-routine day job. He’s also a detective with a very famous name who has appeared in various incarnations…this one is the Grace Gibson Production with Harp McGuire in the starring role. Adapted from US...
If you enjoyed Verdict, then this one will appeal to you too… Stories taken from the Court Rooms of the world – where young and old, rich and poor, the meanest of criminals and persons from any level of society, all stand in equal judgement. Based on actual...
Yes, What? – Volume 15 is here!
It’s here!

Cactus: Buy The Month for September
All the highly entertaining episodes of How Green Was My Cactus broadcast during September are now available to download. 21 episodes for just $12.00. And there are definitely some real gems in this lot! NB: Download only
Unknown Quantity
A short, sharp crime drama. Just 28 episodes to the story, with heaps of action packed into each 12 minute episode. A great gift idea at this special price of $25.00
The Passing Parade – Volumes 19 & 20
Another 50 tracks on each of these volumes – which now takes us up to one thousand episodes of The Passing Parade in our retail releases. There are still another three hundred or so to go…Available as downloads or on mp3 formatted CD. Track lists are...
Cactus: Buy The Month for August
Fresh Cactus is here now… All the episodes of How Green Was My Cactus which were broadcast during August are now available for download – $12.00 for 23 episodes. Always popular with fans who can’t wait for the end-of-year ‘best of’...