I Know My Love


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Set in the boisterous days of the Ballarat Gold Rush and the heady days of colonial Melbourne, this story tells of the constant feud between two women
and their love for the same man. (104 episodes, around 20 hours of listening)


Young Emma has a dark secret and finds herself stranded on the road to Ballarat until she is taken in by the Maguire family who are on their way to the Goldfields. The Maguires split their endeavours between mining for gold and transporting goods from Melbourne to retailers in the thriving city of Ballarat. When adventurer Adam Langley appears, the beautiful Rose Maguire and the practical Emma compete for his attentions, and a bitter struggle ensues. Both girls marry a Langley but that’s just the beginning of the story.

I Know My Love – Cast List 





Wendy Playfair

Ann Haddy

James Condon

John Unicomb

Adapted from the Catherine Gaskin Novel by Ross Napier
Director by John Saul


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