A Town Like Alice


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Jean Paget is twenty years old and working in Malaya during World War II, when the Japanese invasion begins.
She also becomes an heiress of sorts, without necessarily realising it at the time.


Jean Paget is twenty years old and working in Malaya during World War II, when the Japanese invasion begins. She also becomes an heiress of sorts, without necessarily realising it at the time. After being captured she joins a group of other European women and children whom the Japanese force to march for miles through the jungle – an experience that leads to the deaths of many. During their seemingly never ending march, the group runs into some Australian prisoners, one of whom, Joe Harman, helps them steal some food, and is horrifically punished by the Japanese as a result. Jean returns to England after the war, and after some back and forth, eventually tracks Joe down in Australia and together they begin to dream of surmounting the past and beginning a new life in an outback town a bit like the community of Alice Springs… Adapted from the best-selling novel by Neville Shute, this radio series was created by Hepworth Productions. 104 x 12 minutes


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