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Portia Manning Series
We’ve been asked about the chronological order of the stand-alone stories for the character Portia Manning (of Portia Faces Life fame). This is the way to go: The Haverlock Affair Partners In Jeopardy The Silent Witness The Seed of Evil (available shortly) followed by...
Ah, Parliament is back in session and everyone is waiting to see what the new political year yields. In the meantime, remind yourself what happened last year with the great cast of characters in How Green Was My Cactus. Cactus - The Best of 2015 contains 100 tracks...
Yes What? Vol 10
Volume 10 of Yes, What? has arrived! Greenbottle, Standforth and Co are back! School’s in – time to put your feet up with a mug (or glass) of something pleasing, and listen to the antics of the boys at St Percy’s. Definitely not anything like the classrooms of...